A school's garden challenge is again to be supported by The Bransford Webbs Plant Company.

The company is providing the RHS Malvern Spring Festival's Schools Garden Challenge with impulse and flowering plants for the third consecutive year.

The organisers, on May 2, received more than £12,000 worth of stock for the children to use in their garden builds.

In this year's challenge, 11 schools will build a 4m x 4m garden based on the theme 'The Magic of Music: Choose a song or musical to bring to life in a garden to make your heart sing!'

The task encourages the participating pupils to get hands-on experience with plants and horticulture as they design, construct, and grow a section of the plants for their gardens.

In line with the main show gardens, the RHS will judge the gardens, acknowledging winners in a special awards event for the children on the Thursday.

The Bransford Webbs Plant Company remains zealous in its yearly support of the Schools Garden Challenge, promoting children's involvement in horticulture and appreciation of the unique experience of keenly participating in an esteemed RHS show.

The Bransford Webbs Plant Company's sales and marketing director, David Chilvers, said: "Seeing the hard work and creative designs the children produce is so inspiring".

Commenting further on the prospects for the young gardeners, Mr Chilvers added: "The next generation of gardeners are our future, if we can sow the seeds of horticulture now, who knows which of these youngsters could be the next Adam Frost or Alan Titchmarsh".