A Swindon-based company has named a children's hospice which plays an "amazing role in the lives of children and families" as its Charity of the Year.

Telenco UK, a telecommunications firm, has selected Julia’s House as its 2024 Charity of the Year.

The company previously supported the hospice by sponsoring The Big Dog Art Trail last summer.

The Telenco team placed a winning bid of £3,600 for their sponsored Swindog, The Life of the (Lydiard) Fields.

The bid for the six-foot sculpture was placed at the charity’s Grand Auction finale at STEAM Museum and it now takes pride of place at Telenco's Swindon office.

As well as joining the charity’s Business Club, the firm will be participating in the charity’s Castle Combe Half Marathon Hike in June among other fundraising ventures.

Ben Franklin, marketing executive at Telenco, said: “Last year, as a sponsor of a Swindog in the first Big Dog Art Trail, Telenco worked closely with Julia’s House.

"We saw directly how money raised was so crucial to the amazing role the charity plays in the lives of children and families, as well as seeing first hand the amazing care provided.

“It was extremely important for Telenco to continue our support. Our partnership with Julia's House reflects our commitment to making a positive impact where it's needed most.”

Julia’s House children's hospice provides critical and compassionate care to families of the most seriously ill children in Wiltshire and Dorset.

The charity’s specialist nurses and carers provide respite breaks and clinical care, practical, social and emotional support, as well as end-of-life care and bereavement support in families’ homes and in the charity’s hospices.

However, the charity stands as one of the lowest-funded hospices nationally and largely depends on donations to deliver its services.

Jo Common, corporate fundraiser for Julia’s House said: “It is wonderful to have Telenco pledge their support for Julia’s House, following their involvement with The Big Dog Art Trail last summer.

“We receive just eight per cent government funding, so rely on the community to cover 92 per cent of the costs of our care.

"Therefore, support from companies like Telenco is essential for us to keep our vital service going in Wiltshire.

"Without the generosity of the local community and businesses, we would not exist.”

Telenco belongs to the wider Telenco Group which designs, manufactures, and distributes a complete solution for building and maintaining fibre optic and copper telecommunications networks.