City councillors have some big decisions to make on Tuesday night as they need to choose a new council leader and a new mayor of Worcester.

The first full council meeting since the local elections takes place at the Guildhall at 7pm tomorrow (May 14) and there are several important bits of business to take care of.

Looming large on the agenda is the appointment of a leader or joint leaders of the council.

Under the council’s current constitution, joint leaders are appointed from the two biggest parties.

But a motion submitted by Labour means a leader and deputy could be appointed instead - and not necessarily from the largest and second largest parties.

The election left the city council under no overall control, but Labour are the biggest party on the council with 17 seats - just one short of a majority - so will certainly have a say in how its run.

Speaking immediately after the election count, Labour group leader Lynn Denham said a minority administration was possible.

Labour could also team up with either the Lib Dems or the Greens, who will both have the most councillors they’ve ever had in the Guildhall (five and 12 respectively), to form a coalition.

The only things we know for sure is that there is agreement between the party leaders on continuing with the council’s committee system, and that the Tories aren’t involved in the leadership debate.

They took a hammering at the polls and have just one councillor - Alan Amos - representing the party at the Guildhall now.

Councillors also need to elect a new city mayor. Mel Allcott served as deputy to Louis Stephen last year and tradition would dictate that it would now be her turn.

But Cllr Allcott is the Liberal Democrat candidate to be Worcester’s next MP and could conceivably be deputy leader of the city council if Labour forms a coalition with the Lib Dems, so whether she’d also take on the role of mayor remains to be seen.

A deputy mayor will also be elected and the new mayor will announce the mayor’s chaplain, their chosen charities for the year and the dates of some key civic events.

Chairs and vice-chairs will also be appointed to the council’s various committees and sub-committees.

We’ll bring you the latest from the Guildhall in a live blog on the Worcester News website.