A SAMBA drumming workshop will bring the spirit of Brazil to North Worcestershire.

The event, which will be led by Severn Valley Samba and has been organised by the Friends of Bishop Wood, takes place on Sunday, January 25, from 2pm to 4.30pm at the Bishops Wood Centre, near Stourport.

It will include a shaker-making session, enabling participants to make, play and take away an instrument.

Fi Law, of Severn Valley Samba Band, said: “Samba drumming is a perfect way to shake off the sluggish feeling you can get after Christmas.

“It is hard to stay still when you hear the rhythms and it leaves you feeling invigorated.”

The family-friendly workshop is open to people of all ages and abilities and no musical experience is necessary.

Taking part costs £2 for adults and £1 for children.

For more information visit severnvalleysamba.org.uk