THE Queen is a fan, as is David Beckham, and people in Worcestershire are better placed than most to reap the benefits of the alternative medicine they swear by - homeopathy.

Last year, 22 per cent of people in the UK bought hom0eopathic remedies for a variety of ailments, and its supporters claim the number of people trying the therapy is growing by about 20 per cent a year.

There are almost 4,000 registered homeopaths in the UK, and Worcester is especially well-served by one of the few homeopathic pharmacies in the country, as well as a number of therapy centres and practising homeopaths.

Karen Runacres, a full-time homeopathic adviser at D L Ogle, in St John's, said: "The success of our pharmacy is demonstrated by the fact that many of our customers find when they move away they can't get the same level of care and choice of products which is avalable in Worcester. And that even goes for people who have moved abroad."

Homeopathy has been around for 200 years and at its heart is the idea that a condition can be treated with diluted doses of a substance which causes the symptoms. For example, coffee, which can cause sleep disturbance, can be used as a homeopathic remedy for insomnia.

It's even said to help household pets scared by fireworks. Karen said: "Nervous dogs fearful of fireworks can be settled with homeopathic granules shaken on the tongue."

Steve Husbands, who holds clinics at Worcester Natural Therapy Centre in the Tything, said: "People use homeopathy because they are looking for an alternative to drug therapies. I think people are more aware of the possible side effects of drugs and want something that helps their condition but avoids the side effects."

Critics, however, say that homeopathy has consistently failed to produce results in clinical tests which differ greatly from a placebo.

Supporters say homeopathy should not be compared directly with conventional medicine as its approach is completely different. It looks at symptoms of ill health as an expression of an underlying problem and suggests remedies to restore the balance so the symptoms will gradually subside.

It is often used with conventional medicine or as an alternative if other methods are not effective.

Karen said: "The question of how and why homeopathy works cannot be addressed sufficiently to satisfy some scientific minds. One reason for its popularity is that of patient choice. Patients want to be involved in their healthcare and many more are choosing holistic and natural treatments."

Steve said a homeopathic treatment always begins with a thorough consultation: "The first consultation is usually an hour or an hour-and-a-half and we go over how the symptoms are affecting them on every level. We try to get a broader picture then pick the remedies that suit them."

Homeopathy has been available on the NHS since 1948, and GPs in the area are increasingly willing to refer patients to registered homeopaths.

Karen believes that patients in Worcestershire are in a uniquely fortunate position. She said: "Worcester is very lucky to have this kind of choice on its doorstep."

How homeopathy could help cure your condition

Cold and flu

Various remedies may help. Gelsemium is indicated for chills and fatigue; allium cepa for streaming eyes and nose and sneezing; rhus tox for stiffness, restlessness and sensitivity to draughts; nux vomica for runny nose by day and congestion at night plus irritability.


Kali bichromicum is sometimes used for itchy spots, sulphur for painful, infected pores and hepar sulphris for very sensitive and irritated skin.


Helpful remedies include sarsaparilla (burning pain after urination and thirst), cantharis (acute pain and frequent urge to urinate), staphysagria (triggered by sex and relieved by urination).


Various remedies can be taken internally or applied on the skin as a lotion or cream to realive eczema. Calendula may be used if the skin is cracked or oozing, urtica urens when it's itchy and stings, and sulphur if skin is red and itchy.

Hay fever

Allium, galphimia glauca and other remedies based on individual constitution have been proved to relieve hay fever and rhinitis.


Try as belladonna 6c (for throbbing pain) and gelsemium 6c (for tension).