I AM unaware of any particular rules of this column, so I don’t know that I’m breaking any in dedicating this week’s article to my cousin’s newborn daughter, Lola.

Lola, you were born the morning of my writing, Monday, July 14, 2014, and I thought I would give you a little bit of social context as to the day of your birth.

David Cameron is the prime minister, England recently put in a shockingly poor World Cup performance, and public sector workers keep striking over pensions and their working ages.

The Israelis and Palestinians continue to fight one and other, and every night another death comes onto the news.

Perhaps, Lola, you will think that Monday, July 14, isn’t a very good time if you hear of all those problems, so I don’t want to simply list all of the rubbish things in society today (which is my usual tack).

Instead, I would like to list for you, and everybody else, all of the fantastic things happening that aren’t to do with the government or the doom and gloom of the news – I have chosen three of my favourites.

  1. Ice cream. By the time you read this for yourself, you will be able to eat ice cream, that is a gift within itself. Ben & Jerry’s, in particular, can make the worst of days a little brighter.
  2. Lie-ins. You’re going to be depriving your mum and dad of those over the next couple of months. By the time you’re old enough to read this, then you should be full on lying in until at least 9.30 whenever possible.
  3. Books. Read as many stories as you possibly can, and make sure you read them in great places. On the beach, with sand between your toes and the sun on your skin.

So Lola, appreciate these things, and maybe write me back when you can.

As for everybody else reading this, I suppose my main message is that the news will always document the bad things: but for every one bad thing, there are three good things – if we look for them.