A POWERFUL and moving story of slavery, freedom and the remarkable power of love and grace to transform a life will be performed at Pershore's Number 8 Community Arts Centre and the Swan Theatre, Worcester.

Saltmine Theatre Company will be performing John Newton - Amazing Grace in Worcester on Friday, February 27 and in Pershore on Saturday, February 28 following two successful national tours and an astounding run at Edinburgh Fringe Festival.

Press ganged into the navy at nineteen, torn from the girl he loves, he is a man beyond hope.

John Newton is drawn into the harsh world of 18th Century slave trade.

Then one stormy night everything changes.

Saltmine’s give an inspiring portrayal of John Newton’s life-story from slave ship captain to church leader and author of arguably the most famous hymn ever written.

Both shows begin at 7.30pm with tickets for Worcester, costing £12, available by calling 01905 611427 or for Pershore, costing £10, available by calling 01386 555488.