CONTROVERSIAL proposals to fence off part of a Worcester park have been drawn up – much to the dismay of furious residents.

Worcestershire County Council is considering erecting a fence around part of Pitmaston Park in St John’s to protect children from dog mess.

The council says the move will allow Pitmaston Primary School, in Malvern Road, to expand its outdoor provision and safeguard the children.

The idea has outraged park users, who say they have enjoyed the outdoor space for decades and will fight to the end.

Last year, a similar attempt to give the school one third of the council-owned park for a £25,000 playground was scrapped after 100 residents signed a petition.

Jayne Francis, aged 70, who lives near the park, said: “Pitmaston Park is an oasis and it should stay that way forever.

“I go there two or three times a week. I’ve taken my children there, my grandchildren there, I walk my daughter’s dog there, it’s fantastic.

“I was a founder member of Pitmaston School in 1948. I don’t want any of this ‘fenced off’ business.

“I’ve been told 40 per cent of it could be fenced off.”

A fellow park user, who did not want to be named, said: “There has been scaremongering about dogs and talk of children with dog mess in their hair – all the hallmarks of scaring people into a decision.

“The parents will back it because their kids are there. As soon as their children leave they will be the first to complain.”

Two consultation events have taken place in October. A spokesman for the county council said it was considering how large the fenced-off area should be, but insist it will be less than 40 per cent.

They are also considering making the zone available to park users during evenings. Lindsay Harris, the council’s property services project manager, said: “The proposal has come about due to the need for a safe playing field area for Pitmaston Primary School. The park is very popular with dog walkers and mess left around the park presents a hazard, so it is proposed to erect a fence to enclose an area for use by pupils. However, we should stress that the proposal is not set in stone – for example, the size of the area to be fenced off is likely to be less than first indicated.”

Talks will take place with the school before any decision is made. No one from Pitmaston Primary School was available to comment.