A MAN drunkenly headbutted his terminally ill wife’s niece when she came to his house to assist with a domestic disturbance, a court was told.

Daniel Sanders, of Albion Road, Malvern, had been out drinking to celebrate his 65th birthday on October 14, before returning home to his wife, who has learning disabilities and is suffering from terminal cancer.

Kerry Lovegrove, prosecuting at Worcester Magistrates Court, said Sanders became aggressive towards his wife Diane, who called her niece Denise Stimson to let her know what was going on.

He then smashed a plate, and Miss Stimson arrived at the property to find Mrs Sanders cleaning up the mess and she took her away to the kitchen.

“She says Sanders was loud, abusive and threatening and followed them into the kitchen,” said Miss Lovegrove. “They tried to reason with him but he was too drunk and not listening.”

She said Sanders then butted Miss Stimson to the bridge of her nose, causing her to “bleed profusely” and drop her phone, which was damaged.

Sanders, who was unrepresented, said he had “quite a lot to drink” and that his wife was trying to stop him getting in.

“I would probably agree I was being abusive and threatening but I didn’t mean to do any harm,” he said.

He said he could not remember butting Miss Stimson but would accept it happened if she said it had. He pleaded guilty to assault but said his actions were accidental or reckless, rather than deliberate.

Magistrates said the question of whether the assault was deliberate or reckless would have a significant impact on sentencing and ordered a hearing to fully establish the facts on January 7.

Sanders was bailed on condition that he does not contact Miss Stimson.