A GRADUATE from the University of Worcester has been using her creative talents to help teenagers and battered women through art.

Art and design graduate Claire Fox, aged 27, from Diglis Lane, Worcester, has been working with women's refuge groups and youth projects across the city.

Up to 40 teenagers turned up to Claire's street art sessions each week, which provided youngsters in Ronkswood and Tolladine with the chance to paint, sculpt and print.

She has also run projects with Women's Aid, helping mothers and children through gain confidence through art group sessions at refuge centres.

A mother herself, Claire is planning to continue combining her community work with part-time study for a masters in art, health and well-being.

She has also been commissioned, along with fellow art graduate Biddy Williams, to create a sculptural exhibition in the gardens of the Commandery in Sidbury, Worcester. They hope this will be the first of a series of contemporary art exhibitions for the city.

Claire said: "Art offers a form of expression and escapism and is a great confidence builder. Through these projects I've seen art making a real difference.

"Helping young people to become involved in art work also helps to further their vocational skills and most importantly provides plenty of opportunity for children just to have fun."