FANTASTIC firework displays exploded dramatically across the skies above Worcestershire during the weekend in celebration of bonfire night.

In Worcester, children and adults turned out in their thousands to watch the city Round Table's annual charity firework display on Pitchcroft Racecourse on Saturday night.

Rob Lambert, the Round Table community service chairman, said the crowd of around 7,500 people were wowed by the stunning 20-minute display. "It was a really great night and the weather proved to be fantastic for the display."

The Mayor of Worcester, Coucillor Ian Imray, accompanied by the Mayoress, Joan Imray, lit the massive bonfire and the flames leapt up more than 100 feet in the air.

"The children watched the fireworks with wide open eyes and after the display ended everyone huddled around the bonfire with a warming cup of tea.

"It was friendly and relaxed and I think the weather helped with that. It was just a great family event. We hope to continue the tradition and do it again next year," added Mr Lambert.

Meanwhile, displays at Worcester City FC, Worcester Rugby Club, Red Hill Primary School in Worcester, Grimley Raceway and the Three Counties Showground also drew large crowds that watched in amazement to the various pyrotechnics.