Grow herbs in paving.

1. Clean out the crevices, removing loose cement or soils. Sprinkle potting compost over the area and brush it into the cracks before sowing seeds of herbs such as oregano.

2. Add sharp sand or fine grit into the bottom of the planting hole for herbs which like good drainage, such as chamomile.

3. If people are likely to be walking over the area of paving you are planting up, go for herbs which can stand a lot of wear and tear, such as thick, mat-forming thymes, many of which release a fragrance when crushed.


Complete the planting of all new evergreens, including conifers.

Lift and store maincrop carrots and potatoes.

Begin winter digging, adding well rotted organic matter to improve the soil.

Complete the planting of all new evergreens, including conifers.

Lift and store maincrop carrots and potatoes.

Divide and replant waterside plants such as astilbes and trollius.

Finish planting up containers for the spring.

Prune autumn-flowering deciduous shrubs over three years old as they finish flowering.

Lilies for forcing can be brought into heat around 13 weeks before flower is required.

Dry off achimenes and set under a bench until needed. In spring, they can be repotted.

Feed winter cherries with a dilute solution of liquid manure.


November 5 and 9 to 12: Enchanted Garden, Brodsworth Hall, Brodsworth, South Yorkshire. Enjoy a wonderful walk through these beautifully restored Victorian gardens. For details go to