STUDENTS from Worcester found their services in high demand after appearing in your Worcester News.

The Princes Trust team from Worcester College of Technology were featured having revamped a community garden.

The article was spotted by residents of a Malvern care home who asked if they could carry out a similar revamp of their garden. The team of eight young people visited the Springs care home and worked hard to give them a new garden, which they can now enjoy.

Charlie Dean, team leader, said: “It went even better than planned. Sylvia Watkins, whose husband is in the care home, got in touch with the team after reading about a similar re-vamp in your newspaper. They only knew about the Prince’s Trust because of the story. “The students created a great garden including painted tyres and a squirrel run that can be seen by those residents who are unable to go into the garden.”

The students have now been asked back to hold activity sessions with the residents to create new things for the garden.

Charlie said: “The students have been invited to work with the residents. It has been really worthwhile.”

The Princes Trust team programme scheme, which is delivered through Worcester College of Technology, supports unemployed people aged between 16 and 24 in a bid to get them back into work, education or training.