N ATURAL horsemanship enthusiast Melanie Garner has organised a training day in horse agility – a craze that is sweeping across the equine world. Melanie, who has been teaching horsemanship since 2010, says the day will cater for all levels in small groups and will end with a mini competition.

“Horse agility is a great passion of mine that combines horsemanship and fun, which helps to develop your relationship with your horse through leadership,” she said.

“Horse agility helps to build and develop the partnership you have with your horse.

“There’s always a new challenge along the way, which is the ultimate in a relationship.

“Only then can you really know where you are together on your journey. I want to spread the message across the Midlands and provide lessons for people at their own yards, where I can also offer clinics.

“I specialise in wild horse agility, which involves cross country courses with ditches, water and small jumps.”

Melanie has owned her horse Dinks since 1993.

She said: “I only wish I knew then what I know now. Dinks is a challenging Welsh Cob with a mind of her own, very opinionated and leaving you in no doubt as to what is on her mind. We spent many years building a relationship, mainly on her terms.

“In 2008 I saw a Parelli demonstration which changed our lives together forever. What I saw is what I wanted for Dinks and myself – my dream on that day at that point was the closeness of horse and human, a dream I now live every day; one that I want to share with others and help them to recreate.”

Melanie started her training with Victoria Johnson at Bromsgrove-based Kingdom Horse. Melanie said: “It was quite a challenge as Dinks was now trying to re-train me.

“We had new ways to communicate and my highly strung Welsh Cob was now calm and relaxed in my company. We then went on our first-ever clinic with Ingela Larsson Smith.

“From there on my dreams have grown big and now I have started to ride Dinks bareback and bridleless, something I would never have thought possible before my natural horsemanship journey.” In spring 2011 Melanie saw horse agility advertised and it caught her eye.

“I did a one-day course and fun competition and was hooked. I joined the club and began taking part in the Olha completions,”

said Melanie.

“I particularly enjoy teaching those new to the natural way and also young people.

“I want to introduce horse agility to riding groups, riding schools and pony clubs, and introduce them to a fantastic sport and the basics of natural horsemanship, all while having great fun.”

Melanie’s event is due to take place on Saturday, January 26, at Berkley Farm, Summerway Lane, Torton, Kidderminster.

The cost is £35 to non-members and spectators will be charged £10. To book, call 07805 986631.