THE number of people out of work in Worcestershire has fallen.

Latest figures released by the Office for National Statistics show that 9,691 people were claiming Jobseekers’ Allowance (JSA) last month - down from 10,018 in April and 10,561 in May 2012.

The drop was echoed throughout the districts of south Worcestershire.

In Worcester, 2,142 claimed the benefit in May 2013, compared to 2,193 in April and 2,372 a year ago.

There were 1,443 claimants in Wychavon last month, falling from 1,523 in April and 1,735 in May last year.

Malvern also saw a drop in the number of people receiving JSA in the district, falling from 932 in April to 893. The figure stood at 954 12 months ago.

Nationally, the number of people on JSA fell 8,600 in May from a month earlier to 1.51 million.