AFTER 60 years of dreaming and three years of planning, the Worcester International Festival for Young Singers has started.

Four hundred young singers from 11 choirs and 10 nations descended on Worcester on Friday night, some travelling for 36 hours to reach their destination.

Yesterday, after breakfast, they joined one of three workshops directed by Bob Chilcott, Margret Boasdottir, Carlo Pavese and Sanna Valvanne. They'll be together for the rest of the week, working on music for the final night's gala concert in the cathedral.

Over the weekend the choirs have been delighting shoppers, tourists and passers-by singing in the streets with the heat beating down and receiving an enthusiastic response.

Last night saw the Welcome Concert at Worcester Cathedral.

Speaking before the concert, Malcolm Goldring, artistic director of WIFYS, said: “Having heard the rehearsals, I know we'll be in for another treat.”

He said the event was one of the most exciting festivals this country had ever seen