A PENSIONER had to be taken to hospital after a door fell on her head in Worcester city centre on Friday.

The woman – who is thought to be in her 70s – was injured when a door at Specsavers, in Broad Street, came off its hinges and fell on her at about midday on Friday, August 9.

Witnesses said she had been using a mobility scooter belonging to Worcester Shopmobility – although she was on her feet at the time to enter the opticians – and it appeared that the door had struck her on the head.

Shopmobility manager Terry Norwood was at the scene and said the woman – who he described as “very poorly” – was a regular customer.

“This is going to shake her up quite a bit,” he said. “From what I saw a man tried to open the door which had a sign on it saying ‘use other door’ and he must have really pulled it because it came away and this lady was right behind him.

“I’m not sure why the guy had to pull the door – it certainly wasn’t a small sign.”

He added her son had returned the mobility scooter to them before travelling to the hospital.

Another witness – who did not want to be named – said she had been shocked by the incident.

“She didn’t even touch it and the door just came out on top of her,” she said. “Watching the two guys take the door inside it was obviously quite heavy. I’ve just stopped shaking from it.”

Her mother added: “If it had fallen on a child it could have killed them”.

She was taken by ambulance to Worcestershire Royal Hospital, where a spokesman said they were not able to comment on her condition.

Specsavers Worcester store director Alan Richards says: “We are horrified by this accident and have mounted a thorough investigation into what happened. Our thoughts are with the woman and her family.”