NEW state-of-the-art defibrillators that can rate how effectively CPR is being delivered have been introduced at Worcestershire Royal Hospital.

Staff hope the introduction of the new machines to every ward and department will prove a lifesaving addition to the hospital.

The latest Zoll R Series Plus machines are quicker to use than older defibrillators and also offer ‘self-testing’ to ensure they are functioning correctly.

And the high-tech machines are even designed to give feedback to rescuers once they have started giving CPR to ensure they are performing the procedure correctly and giving the patient the best possible chance of survival.

Chris Doughty, senior resuscitation officer at Worcestershire Acute Hospitals Trust said he is delighted with the new lifesaving equipment.

“We know that CPR is lifesaving and good quality CPR even more so,” he said.

“The new defibrillators provide us with immediate feedback on the quality of CPR which means we can give patients the very best care.

“They detect CPR performance through the sticky pads used to give a patient a shock – once applied, the rescuer is guided to achieve the very best technique through visual and audible prompts.”

The new machines have also been welcomed by long-serving hospital volunteer John Hanglin, whose heart was re-started by fast-acting medics after he suffered a heart attack in the foyer of Worcestershire Royal 10 years ago.

Mr Hanglin, aged 77, of Fernhill Heath, near Worcester, said: “It’s fantastic that these new machines are being put in place.

“If it wasn’t for having one nearby 10 years ago I wouldn’t still be here today.

“It’s great news that these new machines allow staff to provide even better treatment, even faster.”

As well as the new defibrillators in ward areas, portable machines are being placed in reception and waiting areas to allow staff to react even faster if an emergency occurs.