BY ANNA GRIFFIN (aged eight)


BOOK-LOVER Clarice has every school girl’s nightmare - getting paired up with the naughty boy in class for a big project. Can she change his ways?

Clarice Bean Tuesday (more commonly known as Clarice Bean) lives with her Mum, Dad, Grandad, older brother Kurt, older sister Marcie, younger brother Minial and dog Cement.

Based around a book exhibit competition at school, which Clarice and her best friend Betty Moody are determined to win, things don't go quite as planned for the avid readers and fans of the Ruby Redfort series, which there are secret extracts from throughout.

When Betty has to go away at short notice, Clarice gets paired up with the naughtiest boy in the class, Karl Wrenbury. Can Clarice make Karl a new fan of the Ruby Redfort books which are to her the best in the universe?
Showing Clarice's big imagination, the book is filled with her daydreams, such as her evil teacher Mrs Wilberton getting transformed into an alien, and what she would be like as a real bookworm.

The reason I chose this book is because it tells two stories at once - Clarice’s story and ‘Ruby Redfort Rules’. It is a fun book with fun pictures and different types of font which keep you interested and makes it stand out from other books.

I can guarantee that once you’ve read this book, you will be nagging your parents to get the next one in the series, ‘Clarice Bean spells Trouble’.

‘Utterly Me, Clarice Bean' is the first book in the ‘Clarice Bean Trilogy’ written by Lauren Child, who is probably better known for her popular ‘Charlie and Lola’ series.


This book was published by Orchard Book and is available to buy for £6.99. It can also be borrowed from The Hive as well as other Worcestershire libraries. Click here to check availability and check it out.