BY EMILY CLACHER (aged nine)


The Invisible Dog is about a girl called Janie whose parents had a Great Dane called Rupert, but he sadly passed away when Janie was a baby. When Janie found Rupert’s lead she decided to have her own invisible dog who eats invisible food bought with invisible money.

Even Janie’s neighbor Mrs Garrow is playing her game. Janie’s parents think her invisible dog is going on too long so they go to a Great Dane breeder and buy one there. Janie is so pleased she decided to call her new friend the same name as her invisible dog – Henry.

My favourite part of the story was when Janie’s parents bought her the dog. The part that made me sad and sorry for Janie was the first sentence of the whole book - "Rupert died when Janie was only two so she didn’t really remember much about him."

As someone who likes dogs, I would hate to not have known much about someone who was a part of my family.

The Invisible Dog is a great book, and as it says on the cover “number 1 for animal magic” - It is!


This book was published by Puffin and is available to buy for £5.99. It can also be borrowed from The Hive as well as other Worcestershire libraries. Click here to check availability and check it out.