A WORCESTERSHIRE rector wants to swap the rows of pews in his church for skateboards in a bid to get the building used by, and for all of the community.

Skateboarding is just one of the ideas the Reverend Mark Badger, rector of St Mary's Church, Kempsey, has in mind as he puts a questionnaire out to the village asking parishioners for help, guidance and input into how to improve facilities at the church so that it is appropriate for the 21st century.

Mr Badger said:" We believe that the church should be more than a space that is only used for a few hours a week by the congregation. Our vision is of a building that can be a resource for the whole of Kempsey, and beyond.

"We want the church to be a place that celebrates community and is at the heart of that community. We believe we can make this vision reality by adapting the church so that it provides a space for a range of community activities such as concerts, exhibitions, children and youth activities, a coffee shop, drop in centre, and, yes, skateboarding."

The rector said how successful skateboarding had been for the past six years at the historic Malmesbury Abbey, which is transformed annually by an army of volunteers, a temporary wooden floor, hay bales and skateboard ramps to create a week-long event for young people from the area.

He saw skateboarding as one of the ways to show today's youth that there was room for them in the church and to reach out to those who may not otherwise set foot in the building.

Mr Badger said: "We want to make sure that our beautiful church is given new life to support both the aspirations of those who worship there and the needs of the community in which the church is set. Churches can offer a fantastic resource to the wider community.

"I think that providing a skate park in church is very much in line with the mission of the church as skate parks provide a place for kids who aren’t attracted to traditional team sports a place to go and express themselves in an individual and athletic manner. "Getting kids, particularly at-risk kids, involved in a personal and esteem-building activity like skateboarding helps them build the confidence to do well in other aspects of their lives. Skate parks provide a place for local youth to meet, socialise, and develop friendships based on a common, healthy interest. The bonds of friendship based on a mutual interest in skating often last a lifetime. This sounds like something the church should be involved in to me."

A questionnaire is being distributed to all the homes in the parish early next month (May) asking residents for their ideas on the development of St Mary's. They will be collected by May 17 or can be taken to the Village Stores, Talbot, Anchor or Walter D'Cantelupe pubs. The results will be presented at a public meeting later in the year.

Mr Badger said: I would urge everyone to take 10 minutes to complete the questionnaire as I believe it is an important process in the future development of our community.

"If we can get the facilities right, then what better place for tea dances, a drop in cafe, play and youth groups - and where else has the height and space for a badminton court?"