OUR President Doreen, opened the meeting with a welcome. She reported that we have been informed we do not have to sing Jerusalem or read the record of the previous meeting every month. This was put to the vote and the members, more or less unanimously, responded to continue doing both.

Members were reminded of the many and various outings and events forthcoming. Our events organiser, Jenny, is standing down and she was sincerely thanked for all her hard work over several years in this connection.

Members were reminded that there is no official meeting in August. However, a walk is planned instead. Please meet at the village hall for 7.30pm on August 7 if you would like to take part.

The speakers for the evening were Annette and John Christophers of the Albrighton Pottery. Each member was given a small piece of clay and asked to mould it into a disc with their initials on it. Then, as if by magic, these were then moulded into a large bowl. This will be fired at the pottery and returned to us to keep. Annette and John informed us, made us laugh, and enabled us to make a unique piece of pottery. We enjoyed a fun evening in the well established way of Callow End WI.