A PRE-SCHOOL in Rushwick has had its good rating reaffirmed by Ofsted in its latest inspection.

Rushwick Pre-School, in Upper Wick Lane, was ranked good overall and in the three categories inspected - how well the early years provision meets the needs of the range of children who attend, the contribution of the early years provision to the wellbeing of children, and the effectiveness of the leadership and management of the early years provision.

In its previous visit, back in 2009, the pre-school was also handed a good rating.

Inspectors said the school was good because children's education is "varied and stimulating" and they "are happy and confident within [the] welcoming environment".

Leadership at the pre-school was also praised as "strong" while children are protect from harm as staff are vigilant.

In order to attain outstanding status, the pre-school needs to ensure better communication with parents.