A MARATHON man from Worcester has completed the first in a gruelling series of 13 marathons in memory of his girlfriend.

Adrian Norsworthy is taking on the challenge in aid of St Richard’s Hospice in thanks for the care they gave his girlfriend, former Worcester News journalist Sarah Veall, before she died in June last year.

He took on his first challenge in the Isle of Anglesey on Saturday, January 17, running a 26.8 mile route across a coastal route, including a 2,246-foot ascent up Holyhead Mountain, in four hours and 58 minutes.

The 40-year-old said last week’s run had been hard going as he was required to carry a backpack with a whistle, waterproofs and a mobile phone as the course took him off road.

“It was 26.8 miles of mud, rocks, strong winds, hills and Holyhead Mountain twice all while wearing a backpack of kit,” he said.

“I loved it though – it was a trail marathon so very little road running, very different to anything I had done before and much slower.”

Mr Norsworthy’s next challenge will be in the New Forest on Sunday February 22, which he said he hoped would involve fewer hills and mountains. He is also taking on marathons in Telford in March, Worcester and Llanelli in April, Milton Keynes in May and Liverpool in June and more to be confirmed later in the year.

Sarah worked with the sub-editing team at your Worcester News for a number of years and died aged 39 following a long battle with spinal cancer. She was an avid supporter of a range of charities, and £442.81 was raised for St Richard’s Hospice at her funeral.

Mr Norsworthy, a branch manager with building suppliers SIG, has already topped his fundraising target of £2,000 and is hoping to raise even more next year.

“I know that Sarah would think I’m bonkers but would also be very proud of what I’m doing for the hospice in her memory,” he said. “The level of support and encouragement from my family and Sarah’s and also our friends has been great.”

To donate visit www.justgiving.com/Sarah-Veall-Forget-Me-Not-Fund.