THESE pictures show the “mass destruction” of a beautiful garden, according to a disgruntled couple.

James and Susan Pearse, of Crickley Drive, in Warndon, spent 15 years lovingly tending to their communal garden and have been left “despondent” after the site was “torn up and decimated”.

The green-fingered pair claim trees have been hacked down, timber decking ripped up and sheds dismantled, while the future of flower beds, potted plants and shrubs is uncertain.

Fortis Living, which is carrying out the works, however has strongly defended its approach, stating it is “confident that everyone living there will benefit from the transformation” once it is completed in mid-April.

Mrs Pearse said: “We are angry and despondent, depressed even.

“It is not just James and I who are affected, it is our neighbours as well.

“I can understand what Fortis Living have done in other gardens which have not had any care or help. But to just tear up and decimate a mature garden is unbelievable.

“It looks like a war scene at the moment.”

The couple had applied to the Housing Ombudsman in a last ditch attempt to stop the re-landscaping of the garden for 23 to 45 Crickley Drive.

Their efforts however were unsuccessful and the pair have been forced to watch work commence on the green space which they first tended to back in 1999.

James Pearse added: “You will see from the photographs the mass destruction that has been caused in the so-called ‘beautification programme’.

"Our greenhouse has been damaged beyond repair and we do not know whether any of us can put our garden fixtures back - such as our sheds, greenhouse, bird baths, bird houses, tables and chairs, pots and plants, barbecues and children's swings and play things. 

"What compensation do we get for the loss of our trees and the bamboo plants and the 60 decorative slabs we have lost?

“The most distressing part of this for our neighbours and ourselves is the loss of our wildlife.

“What we will all be left with will be stinking, overflowing garbage bins in an area that will not be fit for use."

Steve Vizard, assistant director of investment and assets at Fortis Living, said: "It's great to start to see the environment around Crickley Drive changing as the improvement works take shape.

“We are on track, weather permitting, to finish early to mid-April and are confident that everyone living there will benefit from the transformation."

The housing company is currently two thirds of the way through the project, which started in October.

Work on a new car park to the front of the homes was completed before Christmas and the bulk of the demolition needed for the works to progress is now complete.

Contractors are therefore in a position to start creating the updated garden, which will include new seating, planting and drying areas, relocated bin stores and “improved” surfaces, lighting and security, shortly.