HANBURY Hall will be stepping back in time and embracing election fever this spring.

The 1715 election created one of the first modern parliaments and saw Thomas Vernon, the builder of Hanbury Hall elected as MP for Worcestershire.

To mark the 300th anniversary of the historic elections from March 2 to June 30, Hanbury Hall and Gardens is inviting guests to explore the key topics of the election, which were the Scottish debate, national debt and war.

Curator Sarah Kay said: "The 1715 election was one of the first modern parliaments so come along to Hanbury Hall and try out electioneering over three hundred years old."

The hall and gardens near Droitwich is open seven days a week from 11am to 5pm.

For more information call 01527 821214 or visit nationaltrust.org.uk/hanburyhall.