WORK which could protect 250 homes in Worcestershire from flooding is to begin sooner than planned, it has been announced.

Plans have been in place for a flood alleviation scheme at Badsey Brook south of Evesham, since last year’s floods, but today the government announced the project was one of a series across England to be started earlier than previously thought thanks to a £1.5 million share of a £8 million cash injection.

A new project to protect homes in Evesham was also announced, although it is not expected to get underway until 2020.

The £2.8 million Badsey Brook project is expected to result in 250 homes in Broadway, Childswickham, Murcot, Wickhamford and Badsey better protected from floods by April 2021.

Speaking on March 18 environment secretary Elizabeth Truss said: “What today’s announcement means is greater peace of mind for thousands of people who are at risk from flooding across the West Midlands.

“Work will begin on 25 flood defence projects sooner than originally planned.

“This is another example of infrastructure funded by the UK government as part of our long-term economic plan.”

Chairman of the Environment Agency, which will carry out the work, Sir Philip Dilley said more than 300,000 homes across England would be better protected by 2021.

“Our priority is to do as much as we can with every pound of funding from government and local partners, but of course the risk of flooding can never be entirely eliminated,” he said.

“With one in six homes in England at risk of flooding, I encourage people to check their flood risk and sign up to the Environment Agency’s free flood warning service.”