AN amateur rugby player from Worcester is turning his hand to boxing in a bid to land a knock-out blow to cancer.

Paul Stevens, of Ronkswood, will get into the ring for a three-round fight this month as part of an event supporting Cancer Research UK.

The 25-year-old has already raised £442 for the charity and even lost a stone in weight while training for his debut bout.

He said: “I have never thrown a punch before in my life but I’ve always been intrigued to get involved in boxing and I’m always up for raising money for charity.

“I am really excited about the fight and the training I’ve been doing has been brilliant.

“Of course I’m a little nervous about performing in front of the crowd but it is all for a great cause.

“Cancer is a frightening thing which can affect so many of us – so it is a huge problem to help tackle.”

Mr Stevens, who is getting married in August, added that “getting trim” for his big day was a motivation for taking on the challenge.

His fight will take place on Sunday, March 29, at the Sixways Stadium.

The event has been organised by Ultra White Collar Boxing and will feature 20 amateur fights in front of a crowd of about 500 people.

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