WYCHBOLD Village Hall on the afternoon of Monday, March 12, presented a sight to behold.

Yes, it was newly decorated in tasteful shades of blue, but with members attired in Stetsons from sombre black to shocking pink and brilliant white, check shirts, jeans and boots, the look was decidedly High Noon At The OK Corral.

The members - it was their meeting - had embraced line dancing with a vengeance under the guidance of Mrs Val Harman, and an afternoon of a sort of organised mayhem ensued.

Beginners coped well enough when there was a row of dancers in front of them, but this formation can change in a second when they find themselves facing a wall with no one to copy and that is when they can meet head-on a line of dancers resolutely travelling in the opposite direction. It was good fun, and the deserving winner of the competition for the most appropriate outfit was an immaculately turned out Cynthia Wall. Pat Tonks was runner-up in demure pink and frilled long skirt.

The afternoon had started with the president Dot Waldron in the chair, but after normal WI business, she vacated the podium so that the members' meeting could continue with Jane Baker in the chair and Ann Brown as secretary. Altogether it was a most enjoyable occasion.

This month's meeting is on Monday, April 16, at 2pm in Wychbold Village Hall, when the speaker will be from the Assay Office, and the competition is for a piece of silver.

WYCHBOLD FLOWER CLUB: RUTH Bottomley, chairman, welcomed a good attendance at the meeting on Tuesday evening, March 13, and gave an affectionate remembrance of the late Mabel Tansell, our well-loved member and friend whose quality and generosity had been so greatly valued.

The visiting speaker was Liz Nicholson who, with the indispensable assistance of her mother Andrea, gave a presentation entitled Spring Fair using delectable flowers and foliage, combining colour, texture and design to delight the eye. Winners of these arrangements in the raffle were overjoyed.

Ronny Beddoe won the competition for a daffodil arrangement, and Peggy Mears was the winner of the flower of the month competition with her hellebore.

With the refreshments came generous servings of Ruth's birthday cake to round off a happy evening with friends and flowers.

This month we meet on Tuesday, April 10, at 7.30pm in Wychbold Village Hall when the speaker will be Anna Brian and the subject Hanging Baskets.

Diary date: Tuesday, June 12, at 2.15pm for a visit to Margaret Packer's garden in Ombersley when a traditional English tea will be served - £11 per person.

WYCHBOLD HORTICULUTURAL SOCIETY: THE cold weather prevailing at the time of the society's social evening in the village hall on Tuesday, March 20, probably accounted for the smaller than usual attendance, but this was offset by the enthusiastic appreciation of the talk by Gordon Forrest on the fauna and flora of Chaddesley Woods. His intimate knowledge of his subject was shown in his commentary and in his slides - several of these were of animals he was filming exhibiting as much interest in him as he in them.

It was a good evening, with coffee and cakes for refreshments and a most generous raffle to round things off.

The society's spring show on Saturday, March 31, will be reported upon next month - we hope for a successful day. Do come and enjoy with us the beauty of nature's bounty and the results of exhibitors' labours, all on display in Wychbold Village Hall from 2pm.