OUR president welcomed 20 members and three visitors to the March meeting at the Pumphouse.

We heard a report of our painting day with Robin Clifton, when 13 of us used oil paints for the first time and each produced a picture in four hours. We were all pleased with our prowess and had a most enjoyable experience. Jenny brought a tin of delicious flap-jacks to keep us going during our hard work.

We also made arrangements for the annual council meeting at Malvern, lunch with Bill Maynard, and a musical evening at the Old Palace. There are many things to do when you are a WI member and numerous pursuits to follow.

The speaker was Barbara McOwen, one of our members who entitled her talk Crewing The Channel. She helped on a sailing boat, crossing to the Channel Islands and France, teaching people how to sail and handle a boat, cooking and general chores - quite an experience for a young girl. She brought along photos taken at the time and was warmly thanked for telling us about her eventful life.

We have had a beautiful embroidered table cloth donated to us by a resident at St Stephen's Home. It has an embroidered WI motif and will be lovely four our top table. We hope Mrs Charles will be able to visit us at some time to receive a formal thank-you.

Another pub lunch is to be arranged for April, this is a pleasant gathering where members can enjoy a meal and social time.

We enjoyed refreshments and drew the raffle before the meeting ended with some anecdotes by one of our visitors Rose Parish.

Details of future meetings by calling 01905 454478.