IT was our birthday meeting in March and our president welcomed visitors from Kempsey, Littleworth, St Peter's and Swanpool WIs and also one member's mother.

The minutes were taken as read and the notices given - invitations to St Peter's and Swanpool's April meetings and a WI outing in June to Waddesdon Manor when husbands and partners are also invited.

The president congratulated member Janet Coopey, who celebrated her golden wedding and presented her with a rose bush and card.

She welcomed Sue Collins and members of Worcester Scottish and Pershore Dance groups. They entertained us with demonstrations of Scottish dances with names such as Falls of Rogie and Wind of Loch Fyne. It looked very energetic, which many of us also found when having a go. The programme finished with as many as wished doing the Gay Gordons.

Rosemary, our President, who used to belong to the Worcester group, gave them a most sincere vote of thanks and said she was sure they could not wait for the cup of tea which was to follow.

A varied buffet, including cakes decorated with the Scottish flag, was provided by members and our birthday cake, kindly made for us again by Margaret Coward.During the evening, brains were stretched with a Scottish quiz and also a large bags of corks for guessing the quantity. There was a three way tie for the quiz with members from Swanpool, St Peter's and our own WI each being presented biscuits.

Our member Wendy won the cork competition. The March competition was for an unusual object beginning with the letter m and the dancers chose an ornament of the Loch Ness monster brought by Pat Richardson. The many raffle prizes were drawn and the meeting ended with everyone joining in Auld Lang Syne.

We meet again on Tuesday, April 17, at Whittington Village all at 7.30pm, when the speaker is Mrs Tremellen on Pups. Visitors and new members will be most welcome.