FORMER Arsenal footballers Paul Merson and Perry Groves will be stepping up to the crease for a celebrity cricket match organised by a teenage fishmonger.

Harry Dyke, known as Harry the fish, is looking forward to Sunday's match at Ragley Hall, Alcester in aid of Leukaemia Research and the England under 15 Schools Cricket Festival.

The Bunbury Celebrity Cricket Club will play against The Harry the Fish XI in a bid to raise £20,000 for the charities.

The 19-year-old, who lives near Bishampton, organised the event after losing family members to cancer.

He said: "It should be a fantastic day and all in aid of good causes.

"I would like to thank the cricket club and Lord and Lady Hertford for letting us use there grounds.

"I am delighted the world famous Bunbury cricket club are coming to the Midlands.

"Come and meet all the celebrities and bring your autograph books."

Also playing on the day will be Australian fast bowling legend Jeff Thomson, Worcestershire and England cricketer Neal Radford, television and film stars the Weasley twins from Harry Potter.

Dr David English, who runs the Bunburys, said: "I am proud to be giving Harry my full support on his tremendous effort to raise money for Leukaemia and the Bunbury cricket festival which will be held at Malvern College this year."

Dr David, former manager of the Bee Gees and Eric Clapton, has personally donated a signed Barry Gibb guitar which will be auctioned at the event.

The match begins at 3pm with 20 overs.

Tickets are £5 each and children under 12 go free.

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