A RACEHORSE from Worcestershire is hoping to add her name to a family tradition of success in the Grand National.

Mercy Rimell, from Upton-upon-Severn, is the proud owner of the well-fancied Simon in today's big race at Aintree.

The 87-year-old's family has a remarkable pedigree in the nation's favourite race. Her late husband Fred, a champion trainer, saddled four winners from the 1950s to 1970s and his father Tom also ran a winner in the 1930s.

Mrs Rimmell is hoping to add to the family honours today.

The eight-year-old horse, trained at Kinnersley Stables, was the winner of the Racing Post Chase at Kempton in February and has also won a number of other races, making him a contender.

John Spearing, who has been training Simon for two seasons, believes he is in with a good chance but that you can never predict the National.

He said: "He is going to be up against 40 other horses.

"It is a great event to be in and we hope he has a good chance of winning but you never know until the day and the race is over. So fingers crossed."

His success is even more remarkable given that, as a youngster, Mrs Rimell sent him up to the horse sales in Doncaster and he only came back because he did not reach the reserve price.

Jockey Andrew Thornton, who lives near Newbury, will be riding, as he did at Kempton.

Mrs Rimell said she thought he had an outside chance in the big race.