A WORCESTER school has scooped a national award for its sporting efforts.

Manor Park Special School won the School of the Year award at the npower English Federation of Disability Sports awards.

The award is given for schools which take part in a wide range of sporting activities and encourages pupils of all abilities.

It is not necessarily for the school with the most trophies or which has won the most competitions, but acknowledges work outside the curriculum.

Manor Park managed to beat three other special schools to win the award.

In its nomination, the school was described as showing "determination to provide appropriate sports and physical activities for all pupils, no matter how challenging their special needs".

At Manor Park, students with profound and multiple learning disabilities are assessed by the school's physiotherapist who works with teachers to promote mobility skills as part of a new research project.

Headteacher David Palmer said the school holds Active Mark, Sports Mark and FA Charter Standard awards and is also a member of the Droitwich and Worcester City School Sport Partnership. It also has links with the University of Worcester's disability sport course.

The sporting efforts do not stop there. Manor Park offers a lunchtime basketball club, after-school swimming and sports clubs and activities.

Sixth form students take part in a range of activities, including canoeing, sailing and going to a gym, and eight pupils have followed the Sports Leaders Awards, with two becoming Young Ambassadors for the 2012 Olympics.

Mr Palmer's nomination added: "I think Manor Park School deserves this award for its total commitment to achievement in sports in an inclusive way that accesses the benefits to all our students no matter what their disabilities."