OPENING the doors of a Worcester mosque has proved a resounding success for inter-faith relations.

Twenty people from across Worcestershire and Herefordshire visited Tallow Hill Mosque on Saturday, April 14, to find out more about Islam and Islamic culture.

The open day - the first of a series instigated by the Worcester Muslim Welfare Association - has been described as an enormous success.

Chairman of the association Malik Fayaz said: "All sorts of people of all ages came, some from as far as Leominster in Herefordshire.

"It was a wonderful day. We realised that a lot of people are unaware of our heritage, so that is something I want to focus on.

"People were also unsure how Christianity and Islam related to each other.

"I actually ended up drawing a family tree to show how Muhammad and Jesus have the same ancestors."

Members of the mosque are hoping that inviting people of all faiths and beliefs to visit their place of worship will be an important step for inter-faith relations, but also play an important part in raising awareness of Muslim culture.

"It's a long road ahead," said Mr Fayaz, "but this is making a difference."

Mr Fayaz was keen to let people know that they will not be lectured at the open days.

"We have invested in quite a large exhibition," he said.

"These displays mean we do not have to approach people, instead they can come to us if they have questions."

The open days are held on the second Saturday of every month, the next is on Saturday, May 12. For more information call Mr Fayaz on 07812844910 or e-mail