A GREAT way of driving existing clients and new prospects to your website is to use a blog. Blogging is a well-established tool for adding content to a website. The full name is ‘web log’, which over the years has been shortened to ‘blog’.
If your website uses a Content Management Systems (CMS), this will most likely already have a blog module. There may be other blog modules or ‘plug-ins’ available. When installed, these will enable you to post blog articles quickly and easily, schedule them and edit them too.
As with all marketing activities, knowing who you are writing for is important. The marketing phrase ‘if you write content with no one specific in mind, then no one in particular will pay attention’ is really apt.
What is it about your industry or sector that is really interesting, or rapidly changing or advancing? These are good ideas to think about. Focus on a small area of your industry, make it relevant to a community of prospects with the same challenge. Think of this as your target market (audience).
In my business, I encourage fact-based articles about IT, technology, business, or objectively written personal views about the latest version of Microsoft Windows, Apple iPhones or other tech devices. All articles are written with the reader in mind, and should give the audience a fact or skill or technology to try out. The article should also inspire them to do so, to take action.
Your blog will also demonstrate your expertise and trustworthiness. Write a blog article at least once per month, or weekly is even better. New starters, students on work-experience, or engaging the services of a new supplier are all great opportunities to write a blog article. Take care with referencing clients, just check they are happy to be mentioned. If not then use phrases like ‘An Engineering company we helped last week said…”.
Talk to the person responsible for your website, and ask them to add a blog facility, and to show you how to use it, and then get blogging!