A PERSHORE pub should not be converted into eight homes because of road safety concerns, according to council officers.

They have recommended that councillors refuse permission to turn The Brandy Cask, a grade II listed building, into two one bedroom flats and also six two bedroom flats.

An application to convert the Bridge Street building, which has been a pub for 80 years, has been received by Wychavon District Council.

However, Worcestershire County Council highways officers have said a proposed shared driveway to access the flats would be too narrow with restricted visibility and could be unsafe for road users and pedestrians.

Twenty-five objections have also been raised with some arguing the move would result in the loss of a community facility and a loss of heritage.

Objectors have also said that the plan would affect employment despite the pub being a viable business.

But officers believe there is no problem with the proposed change of use of the pub because other similar facilities are available close by. They also believe conversion works would safeguard the appearance and condition of the listed building and have indicated they would recommend approval for listed building consent.

Councillors are due to decide on the matter at a planning meeting today.