A WORCESTER author who has written a children's story, a mystery and even a book about Barbourne, is signing copies of his novels this weekend.

Terry Wardle, who penned his first book more than 20 years ago, will be at Tudor House, Friar Street, Worcester, between 10am and 4pm tomorrow.

The 63-year-old, of York Place, Barbourne, Worcester, will be selling copies of his children's book, The Hardest Sum in the World.

The book tells the story of a boy who couldn't understand sums but stumped his teachers and even a super computer when he asked what the hardest sum in the world was.

It won the coveted Premio Verghereto literary award in Italy and sold about 70,000 copies. His second novel, The Secret of the Talisman, is described as a fast-moving story of love, treason, betrayal and vengeance in 18th century England.

More recently Mr Wardle co-wrote A History of Barbourne with his daughter Claire Wardle.

The book, which took four years to research, covered 1,100 years of the suburb's history and raised money for research in the endometriosis, a gynaecological condition which affects an estimated 89 million women worldwide, including Mr Wardle's daughter Claire.