Jebediah Humphries, at the age of fourteen, is undoubtedly the clumsiest, most accident-prone and very worst Wizard inthe world, and has certainly acquired a reputation as such at his wizarding summer camp. However, his skills are tested to the utmost when his parents are held to ransom by Ogres and he is catapulted, along with four hapless friends, into a series of hair-brained schemes - kidnapping and theft included - leaving disaster in their wake.

But there's more to his parents' disappearance than meets the eye - a dark evil presence in plotting revenge, and the teenagers become entangled in a web of treachery that threatens their very lives. Pursued by Gnome Mafia and a collection of the most unsavoury characters that the magical community has to offer - and aided and abetted by a Lephechaun and a commando Fairy - the clock is ticking and time is running out to find the ransom money and save his parent's lives.Reviews by the children of Bishop Perowne C of E College, Worcester.