ELECTIONS for Droitwich Town Council will be held on Thursday, May 3.

Currently, the council is made up of nine Conservatives, six from the Labour party, two Liberal Democrats and one Indep-endent. This time, the following 36 candidates have been nominated to stand for the town council's 18 seats.

The following seats are being contested: Spa Central Ward, two seats: Eve Freer, Labour; Graham Gopsill, Liberal Democrat; David Morris, Conservative; George Rose, Conservative; Ian Wild, Liberal Democrat.

Chawson Ward, two seats: Christopher Barton, Labour; John Cook, Labour; Ken Hodgson, Conservative; Yuleen Jewell, Conservative.

Copcut Ward, two seats: Richard Morris, Conservative; Claude Sarfo, Conservative; Sheila Seabourne, Labour.

East Ward, four seats: Mike Barratt, Conservative; Jan Bolton, Conservative; Lynne Duffy, Conservative; Edgar Harwood, Labour; Sheila Neary, Labour; Glen Noyes, Conservative; Peter Pinfield, Labour; John Wrenn, Labour.

Tagwell Ward, two seats: Ann Gopsill, Independent; Don Lawley, Conservative; Patricia Pinfield, Labour; Anne Taft, Conservative.

West Ward, four seats: John Brackston, Conservative; Laurie Evans, Conservative; Rob Harrison, Conservative; Keith Hobson, Lab-our; Linda Hobson, Labour; Peter Jewell: Conservative; Roy Seab-ourne, Labour; Steven Westwood, Labour.

Witton Ward, two seats: Wendy Carter, Liberal Democrats; Janet Clarke, Liberal Democrats; Maureen Lawley, Conservative; Neil Perry, Conservative.