We have just got back from a caravan holiday in France where my son Jacob took it upon himself to write about a rather dramatic day in Paris (obviously missing school).

This week, I will let him explain what he called our "Holiday disaster - or is it".

We went to a coffee shop today, it took about seven minutes to get there including asking a load of people for directions but when we got there it was closed so we went strolling down to a market centre.

We only had a little look around then we went to this place called the Sacre Coeur and we had to walk up loads of steps and I had to help carry the pushchair but I kept giving up and eventually dad ended up carrying the pushchair and Daisy!

After that we went to the Eiffel Tower to see the light from a distance.

Dad kept on getting us lost then we went on the Metro to get our car back but when we got there the parking lot was closed.

We talked to these people in the cafe and asked them do they know any hotels in the area and they said yes and we ended up staying in a four star hotel.

The shower was lovely because you could choose your heat unlike the ones at the campsite and the beds were so soft and cushion-y and not really cramped and button-y like the ones in the caravan and there were mirrors everywhere you looked and there was a fridge and a cupboard fill of soft drinks and Pringles.

So it wasn't that bad after all.