PEOPLE have lots of tried and tested suggestions for getting over a cold.

Some of the more popular ideas are eating warming bowls of chicken soup, having a duvet day or relaxing on your sofa and watching Netflix.

All of which sounded like a bit of "what the doctor ordered" when I found I had succumbed to the cold, you know, the one everyone seems to have at the moment.

Being ill is no longer like the good old days when your mum would tend to your every request - toast, Calpol and a copy of Shout magazine.

Little people still expect you to do everything for them.

In fact, they seem to have a wolf-life sense of weakness and up their requests for everything from another biscuits to searching for the miniature toy which has gone missing in the house.

The boys had gone off for football training leaving me and Daisy at home.

Rain was coming down but I decided to let the rabbits into their run - a construction Sean has created and modified over time as Gavin and Jeff (the bunnies) got better at finding ways of escaping.

It was now pretty much the Fort Knox of the rabbit run world. Or so we thought.

Not being one to let impenetrable cages get in his way, it seems Jeff, the craftier of the two, has been planning a new escape for a while.

If he couldn't get under and he couldn't get through - then by George he was going to get over.

I saw it in slow motion, him getting on to his hind legs before springing up about five feet and perching on top of the hutch.

It took seconds - not long enough for me to grab my shoes - for him to do the reverse and leap off into the garden and freedom.

Grabbing the nearest pair - my husband's grotty trainers - I scrambled for the garden in my pyjamas, rain pouring down, head pounding from cold and rabbit on the run.

My daughter watched from the safety of the patio doors as I asked for help in vain.

I'm not sure what I thought a five-year-old could do.

Back and forth I went chasing after Jeff who is surprisingly speedy for a rabbit. I always assumed they were slow but Jeff was the Usain Bolt of the bunny world.

Eventually, I managed to persuade him back into the cage using the carrot and stick method - well, carrot method.

I can now tell you, after carrying out some tests, chasing a rabbit around a garden in the rain does not ease a cold.

Stick to chicken soup.