I am going to put my hand up and admit it.

I've done the school run in my pyjamas.

And I don't think I'm the only one.

Okay, before you throw the book at me - call me a lazy slob, layabout mum or whatever else has been banded about since it was reported a school in Darlington had asked parents to dress appropriately for the school run - hear me out.

I don't make a habit of it.

Chance would be a fine thing - having a full time job means the three of us have to be out of the house looking reasonably smart before 8.30am.

My son started primary school when I was seven months pregnant with my daughter.

Newborns tend not to respect the fact you need to be up at 7am to get their sibling ready for school.

While they doze away catching up on what little sleep they had the night before, you still have to get their brother or sister washed, dressed, bags packed and ready to go.

Daisy's bi-hourly nightly wake ups meant that, come the time I had to get Jacob up, it was a struggle to get them both out of the door let alone myself.

A large coat, hoody and a pair of trousers usually hid my indiscretion, though I am sure I saw more than one mum or dad cast a disapproving eye over a hint of flannel pyjama poking out.

I did draw the line at slippers.

So I have some sympathy with the parents of the primary school in Darlington.

Sometimes, it is a struggle to even get them there - but get them there they have.

Whether it is a new baby, illness, depression or just plain laziness which has meant they have shown up wearing their bed clothes.

Surely, that's the most important thing?

We're forever telling our children school is not a fashion show when they take ages styling their hair or pestering for the latest must have shoes, bag or trainers.

Let's not turn the playground into a catwalk for parents.