SIR – So the travellers came back to Worcester. What a big fuss when they arrive here. Let them have their few days here then they will go.

What is the big deal? They say it’s because of the mess they leave behind. What about all the fly tipping in Worcester lanes. That’s not the travellers, it’s people like the very ones who are protesting against them. They never give these people a chance to live how they want. Talk about over reacting all the time.

The travellers have more morals than a lot of folk, most of them were born here. Yet we want to let thousands of people into our country who don’t belong here and give them everything, yet the travellers are made to feel like outcasts. Give them land to stay on so when they pass through there won’t be all the fuss and police time wasted. Do you think travellers like to be moved on all the time? It should be live and let live.



Internment is the answer  

SIR – Yet another round of deaths and mayhem, this time in Brussels. David Cameron says he is “shocked”, but why should he be? He knew this was going to happen sometime, somewhere, yet he continues to want to let in more migrants with open arms, how many have connections to IS?

How can he, or anyone else, say we will be safer staying within the EU? It can only be a matter of time before they hit a target in the UK. Most politicians are running scared of political correctness and human rights and say we can’t do this and we can’t do that, when the main concern is the protection of its people.

There are apparently hundreds walking the streets here, under surveillance, so we have to wait until they commit a horrid crime before we act? One answer, bring back internment. Oh the lawyers would love it, but if it means removing dangerous people from the streets before they act out their warped thoughts, then that can only be good...and for their human rights? Well, do they give any they kill the right to live?



Disgusted by treatment

SIR – I have recently heard of an instance where an 89 year old disabled lady was taken to an acute hospital having fallen and confused at 6.00 in the evening. At 11pm the family received a call to say that she had been deemed “medically fit” and would be discharged home by taxi. The family was unhappy with this, and asked whether she could be transferred to rehab or a Community hospital to be told that this was not possible, and did they realise that by keeping this lady in a hospital corridor they were depriving other patients of a bed? It was pointed out that this lady had only some 8 weeks previously been in a community hospital for 10 days; the gentleman claimed that acute hospitals could not access patient records at a Community hospitals.

This is palpable nonsense; proper and safe decisions cannot be made if all agencies involved do not share information from records. She was discharged the following day unable to “transfer” and still confused. The next morning a care team arrived and immediately assessed her as unfit to look after herself and “at risk”. She was admitted to a community hospital. This has since been officially recorded as an unsafe and mistaken decision. I read also of an elderly man suffering from dementia and having had a stroke whose bungalow had been specially adapted at very substantial cost so his elderly wife could care for him. They were told that since the private care agency no longer has the staff willing to attend to him he would have to enter a nursing home. I felt disgusted by this and hoped that someone might act as an advocate for them and fight their corner. The UK prizes itself on being the oldest democracy; these stories lead me to question whether we are any longer “civilised”?

Wendy Hands


Tories have lost the plot

SIR – I am afraid that the Conservative Party has entered a period of madness. After making some good things happen in the previous administration they now seem hell-bent on the disruption or destruction of our institutions. The flight of doctors from the NHS is not the right time to be piling on the pressure to do more, is it?

Unless one wants the service to collapse, that is. Does Mr Hunt want the NHS to fall apart? I really fear so.

The fact that this will keep the Conservatives out of power for many years seems to have escaped him and his unfortunate colleagues. So be it.

GT Parsons


Talent in our city? You bet

SIR – On Saturday (April 16) I was invited to Nunnery Wood Studio to see a show with all the money going to Ian Dymock’s Trust Fund, such a good show.

Yes, Worcester has ‘talent’.

B Matthews
