FIRST it was a life-sized Ed Miliband cardboard cut-out which mysteriously vanished from County Hall, sparking national headlines and threats to call police.

Now a beloved TEDDY in honour of Jeremy Corbyn has been nicked - with the hunt on for the cheeky culprit.

In recent months this cute little bear has sat on Labour's front bench at Worcestershire County Council, bringing an element of comedy to the often frank political exchanges.

But the stitched-together cuddly, belonging to Cllr Richard Udall, disappeared last week during a lunch interval halfway through a full council meeting and still hasn't been found.

Unlike the Ed Miliband cut-out farce, which led to parts of the building being searched and threats to call the cops, this latest vanishing act won't be leading to anyone getting hot under the collar.

But Cllr Udall wants the teddy bear back, saying it was "loved" by many Labour politicians left dumbstruck by its disappearance.

He also says "an active search" is ongoing to try and locate Jeremy, with the suspicion that he may well be lurking behind someone's desk.

He even said he is now prepared to donate the weird looking cuddly to the Worcestershire Mums Network - the campaign group which led the long campaign over children's centre cuts - as a Christmas present for a youngster in the event of its safe return.

"Jeremy was a bit of fun, we don't take this incident seriously and we really do have much more important things to worry about," he said.

"However we would like him back - I urge whoever has Jeremy to find a way to return him.

"We don't need to know who the culprit is, we would just be happy to see Jeremy again."

Worcester News:

The bear features a plain white t-shirt with the Labour leader's face plastered on it, a white ribbon signalling support for the anti-domestic violence campaign, and a red badge.

Cllr Udall added: "It's time somebody who could really enjoy the bear had him, a family in need this Christmas.

"We'll donate Jeremy to the Worcestershire Mums Network as a gesture of goodwill so he can be put to the use he was really intended for."

But if the farcical events of December 2014 have anything to go by, the Labour group could be in for a long wait.

The Ed Miliband cut-out, bought over the internet for a few quid, has still not turned up.

The county council says the teddy bear "is being treated like any other missing or lost item".

Worcester News:

* Do you know where Jeremy is? Email or call 01905 742248.