IF you've ever wondered how Rudolph actually got his red nose, get yourself along to the The Norbury Theatre at Droitwich.

A play especially written for children aged between three and 10, and called appropriately enough, "How Rudolph Got His Red Nose", all takes place in Santa's Workshop where two elves, Icky and Sticky, are attempting to wrap all the presents for Santa to deliver to all the children.

A spokesman said: "There are letters to be read and toys to sort, but

then Rudolph turns up and starts looking in all the sacks, so the elves play a trick on him which, of course, goes wrong.

"Santa has a wonderful solution and everyone is happy in the end.

Lots of fun to be had for the children and the young-at-heart, and

songs to join in with."

The spokesman added: "Santa will be in his Grotto at the end of this 40-minute play to greet the children.

The show will takes place on Saturday, December 17, at 2.30pm and 4pm.

Tickets and further details on, 01905 770154, or on-line , www.norburytheatre.co.uk