I LOVE road trips.

Long journeys, specially compiled playlists, spontaneous diversions to interesting looking places, stops for snacks and drinks, the sense of freedom and adventure.

However, this was pre-kids.

Travelling with kids is a whole different story.

We're just back from an epic drive to Scotland to meet my new niece, seven hours each way with a preschooler, a baby and a puppy.

Before we left, I asked the Worcestershire Mums Network mums for their top tips for travelling with kids.

1: Travel at night – Put the kids in PJs and hope they'll just sleep for the whole journey.

2: Digital Technology – Story CDs, portable DVD players, or a tablet. You can download lots of kids TV shows and movies to be playable offline. Of course, anything visual is only a good idea if your little ones don't suffer from motion sickness, which brings us on to:

3: Be Prepared – Take baby wipes, toilet roll, towels, ziplock bags, a bucket lined with cat litter, spare clothes. If they're not the travel sick type, however:

4: Keep them fed – Bored kids are hungry kids. Take plenty of snacks; eating will keep them busy and quiet. If you're travelling with a baby, take expressed milk or ready to use formula, or you'll end up doing what I did, hand expressing into a cup at 70mph on the M6, with a screaming baby next to me.

Thank God for tinted windows (I wasn't driving)!

5: Surprise – Once the whining reaches the level where you're cursing the idea to go away and swearing never again, it's time to whip out the surprise you stashed under the seat. Take a new toy or game that you know will be well received, and bring it out when the going gets tough. We've gone with a Moana busy book this time around.

Good luck – you'll need it!