A GLOWING report was given to a Worcester primary school by Ofsted inspectors who said the school was outstanding in all areas.

Inspectors gave Pitmaston Primary School the highest possible ranking after finding the school 's pupils were thriving in all aspects of their academic and personal development.

The report said school head Kate Wilcock was "inspirational" and she, and her leadership team, had forged a culture of high expectation with a vision that all pupils would do as well as they could.

Consequently, rapid improvements had been seen in the school's performance in the past two years.

Inspectors described teaching at the Malvern Road school as "exceptionally skilful" across all year groups with teachers having a detailed understanding of where every pupil had reached in their learning.

Relationships between teachers and pupils were excellent and high-quality teaching engaged, stimulated and inspired pupils.

Outcomes for pupils were outstanding, with all pupils making at least good progress and some pupils, particularly the most able, making outstanding progress.

Last year, pupils’ attainment at key stage two was above national averages in reading and mathematics, while their writing was significantly higher.

Disadvantaged pupils were doing broadly as well as other pupils nationally in reading, writing and mathematics in key stage two, although slightly lower than other pupils nationally in key stage 1.

Children with special educational needs made very good progress.

Inspectors found there was exceptionally strong leadership in early years, with significant improvements made over the past two years.

The youngest children at school were said to have "a great start to school life" with excellent teaching and stimulating lessons held inside and outside.

Inspectors also praised pupils across the school for their "impeccable behaviour" and said they were happy, confident, and respectful.

School governors were a "significant strength" of the school, and safeguarding procedures were effective.

Inspectors said the school should now offer more opportunities for leaders to monitor teaching and learning and encourage detailed analysis of pupil progress.

The school's headteacher Kate Wilcock said: "We are absolutely thrilled.

"This is true recognition of the high expectations of our pupils and the dedicated, hard work across school from every member of the staff team.

"We will continue to build on our successes, ensuring that each and every child achieves the very best they possibly can at Pitmaston."