A LONG-TIME campaigner for increased safety measures on a ‘dangerous’ road in Worcester says her daughter’s parked car has been “written off” after a lorry crashed into it.

Kim Weston said the speed in which many motorists drive down Canterbury Road in Ronkswood is “shocking”.

“It says 20mph on a sign at each end, showing a snail saying, ‘Slow as me’ – but that is never adhered to and never policed in the years that I’ve lived here,” she told the Worcester News.

Ms Weston, who has appeared in this newspaper several times over the last 10 years, is hoping to bring about changes to the road, describing it as a “rat run” and “dangerous”.

“There are cars parked on both sides causing obstructions, buses and articulated lorries squeezing through gaps too small for the vehicle and seriously damaging parked vehicles,” she continued.

Earlier this month, Ms Weston’s daughter’s parked car was apparently written off by a lorry “trying to turn into a side road which is entirely unsuitable for HGVs, but the mug carried on regardless”, she said.

She went on to describe “wannabe racers” and seeing “animals hit so hard they’ve been catapulted into the air”.

“Someone needs to review the speed and safety on this road, it’s dangerous.”

Ms Weston said that, along with many of the residents of Canterbury Road, she has “campaigned tirelessly for safer roads and restrictions” over the years.

Cllr Alan Amos, county council cabinet member for highways, said: “We try to ensure all speed limits are appropriate. Enforcement of speed limits is a matter for the police, however we will look into residents’ concerns in this location.”

Commenting on claims the 20mph limit was regularly being broken, a spokeswoman for the police’s Safer Roads Partnership said highways could “re-appraise the limit or carry out further engineering measures”, adding: “If it is found that there is a small minority of people abusing the limit then the local policing team can target those individuals.”