EVER wondered how actors make fight scenes look so realistic?

Youngsters from a Worcester youth theatre found out at a stage fighting techniques workshop, in preparation for their latest show.

Members of the Worcester Operatic and Dramatic Society Youth Section were given informative instruction on how to make stage fights look effective and realistic yet maintaining safety and having fun ready for their next show: Seven Brides For Seven Brothers.

A spokesman said: “In a four-hour workshop Miles Foster and Ingrid Statman, both actors and directors, from Peregrine Theatre, Ely, Cambridgeshire, showed youngsters from the 65-strong cast of eight to 18 year-olds safe stage fighting techniques which they can perform convincingly, but with a comedy angle.

“The youngsters, mainly the Seven Brothers and the seven suitors, learned everything from how to kick and punch, to fall and land. Afterwards the Brothers agreed it had been a fantastic session, a lot of fun, and an eye-opener into how fights are choreographed for stage.”

WODYS producer, David Humphries, said that he had organised the workshop because it was “extremely important to coach the youngsters so they could perform a stage fight effectively whilst ensuring it is safe”.

He added: “The workshop was extremely worthwhile. We have now been given the tools to choreograph a routine ourselves. Hopefully the youngsters have learned all the techniques which will help their performance in the show where they will be able to put what they have learnt into practice.”

There are at least two occasions during the show when stage fighting takes place – the harvest social when a fight breaks out between the Brothers and the men from town, and when one of the Brothers, Frank, takes exception to being called by his full name “Frankincense”.

The show will come to The Swan Theatre, from Tuesday July 31 to Saturday, August 4.